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Projekte - Tanz - Theater
Kunst - Kultur - Researches
Fortbildungen - Workshops
Jugend - Kinder - Erwachsene
Umwelt - Soziales - Wissenschaften
Integration - Inklusion
Modern Dance - Tanztheater Zeitgenössischer Tanz
Somatics - Improvisation
Researches - Unterstützung

Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V.


Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V.

PRoJects - Global Water Dances

to german version go here

Here you will find the projects of Global Water Dances  supported by the association. You can find projects with children and youth projects here
Hier findet Ihr die Projekte, die in Kooperation mit dem Verein arbeiten bzw. der Verein als Träger gilt.
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Diese Seite ist zur Zeit im Aufbau.  Weitere Informationen sind zu finden unter

starting in December 2020


"Global Water Dances 2021 in Europe"

 an international linked project for saving water

2021 is the tenth anniversary of Global Water Dances. Ten years of choreographing and dancing together for safe water.
For this reason, Global Water Dances extends the regular one-day event to a festival week: 

Tuesday 8. bis Satirday 12.June 2021

This means you can participate with performances on several or all days or with only one performance - preferably on the last day, June 12th.

GWD 2021

Global Water Dances is a visionary, worldwide, artistic initiative, which was launched in 2010 and focusses on the critical need for safe water through cultural events. Until recently the project has been coordinated in Europe by Eurolab e.V.


For the first time, Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V. will coordinate the performances in Europe in 2021 and also establish the connection to the international Global Water Dances.


We want to get the interest of European choreographers or initiators  to participate in this project.
Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V. expects to be able to finance approx. 12 - 15 locations with approx. 2000 € to 4000 € (the exact amount depends on the amount of the granted support as well as on the number of participating groups in Europe).

As a europen group You can be part of this important event

Especially we are asking for initiators or choreographers , but als if You're interested in being a part of a performance You can contact us.


The next dates:

Foto: René Ritschel

- the first meeting via Zoom was  19.11. von 12:30-14h
   a rcording can be requested

- a second one will be  4. 12. von 17-18:30h       ask for the link

- Deadline of application: 6.12.20 per Email 

if You have more questions contact us:

- per email: tanztheaterphynix.e.v[ÄT]gmail.com
- telefone with Anja; +49 152 564 784 91 (Mon, wedn und Thurs until 18 Uhr)

Foto: René Ritschel

GWD 2017
Foto: Margit Rosenberger

Here a few of infos:

This project is for groups / interested Choreographers who have experience in Community Dance and are interested in being part of a global community to work with the themes of water and  
environmental protection in a dancing way.

Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V. supports choreographers / inittiators  under the following criteria:

1. the project Global Water Dances will be carried out in Europe and the respective choreographers /     initiators live in Europe 

2. choreographer / initiator is either: 
    a) active member of Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V. (becoming am member in time for the        
        project is possible)
    b) active member of EUROLAB e.V. holding a CMA/CLMA certificate or are currently trainee in
        EUROLAB Basic CMA/ CLMA training programme Please attach a proof of membership. 

3. choreographer has at least five years of professional experience, especially in the field of
    community dance: group choreographies with professional and non-professional dancers. 

4. an interest in becoming part of this global community, which deals with the topic of water and
    environment in dance

The special focus of 2021 is on innovative environmental ideas like permaculture or water harvesting. These topics can be addressed either artistically in the choreography or in form of speeches or discussions.

See also:
- What is permaculture? by Bill Mollison & David Holmgren (4:16 min)
Introduc on to Land-based Rainwater Harves ng - RUVIVAL Toolbox (3:30 min)

The association receives funding from a foundation, from which the basic costs of the individual groups can be financed.

Costs that can be paid with the funding:

· Music (sound systems or live music),

· advertising,

· Insurance, permits · props,

· Video documentation and internet upload,

· a small fee for choreographer (max. 500, - €) and production manager (max. 500,€).
   Dancers cannot be paid from these funds

Participating groups are free to apply for additional funding elsewhere if they wish, this has no influence on the funds granted by Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V.

From Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V. it willbe 2000 € to 4000 € (the exact amount depends on the amount of the granted support as well as on the number of participating groups in Europe).

The individual participating groups will receive half of the money before the event and the other half after uploading a video of the event and submitting their accounts with all receipts.

We would like you to be part of it and invite you to apply.
The following documents are required for your application:
1. an informal, brief description of the project idea and yourself, max. one DIN A4
2. budget plan (see attached template)

Application deadline: 06 December 2020

send it to  mail:  tanztheaterphynix.e.v[ÄT]gmail.com


Der Verein Tanz & Theater im PHYNIX e.V. hat seinen Hauptarbeitsplatz für die Entwicklung und Unterstützung von Projekten im Sinne der Förderung von Kunst und Kultur und insbesondere der Tanzkunst. besonders im PHYNIXtanzt als kreativer Ort des zur Entwicklung von Projekten.
Der Wirkungskreis des Vereins ist ortsübergreifend, auch international.
Kooperationen sind erwünscht.
Weitere Infos zu Zielen & Zwecke des Vereins sowie "Offizielles": XXXXXXXXXX

Informationen zu "Fördermitglied werden" oder Kooperationen erfragen unter tanztheaterphynix.e.v[ÄT]gmail.com